How Turkey Became the Global Capital of Hair Transplants in 2022
We will be discussing the cost of hair transplants in Turkey and their quality and the competition between hair clinics. We’ll also look at the need for hair transplants in Syrian refugees and the competitive nature of the Turkish hair transplant industry.
Costs of hair transplants for Turkey
Prices for hair transplants within Turkey differ, based on the method employed and the amount of hair grafts that are required. The cost per graft decreases when the number of grafts increases. FUE surgery costs around $1750 for a single session. Additional sessions could be necessary to achieve the desired outcomes. The final cost will depend on the number of grafts and the expertise of the doctor.
Turkey’s hair transplant prices are significantly lower than those in the US, UK, and Europe. This is due in large part to the fact that Turkey is a producer of domestic goods which cuts down on shipping, logistics, and customs costs. This is also part of the reason health care costs are lower in Turkey. Turkish medical centers also benefit from higher salaries, which lowers their costs.
Quality of Turkish hair transplants
The hair transplant clinics of Turkey are known for their top quality and low cost. Prices will vary depending on the surgeon and clinic, as well as the procedure. A hair transplant of 1000 grafts in Turkey will run around $1700, while an 5000-graft procedure will cost around $6000. While will differ the hair transplant Turkey costs will be lower than those in the United States.
While prices have increased, Turkey is still a excellent place to obtain hair transplants. Turkey has an efficient health system that is well-developed as well as a booming medical tourism. The country is now affordable for different cosmetic procedures, including hair transplants.
Turkish hair transplant clinics compete
The Turkish hair transplant industry has been growing in recent times because of its lower price and its superior expertise. However, competition among clinics has also led some to reduce costs by hiring individuals who have no experience or understanding of hair transplant procedures. This has only resulted in an increase in the number of unqualified doctors in the field.
Turkey is a very popular destination for hair transplants. Turkey is home to some of the top hair transplant centers in the world. They employ the most recent techniques in hair transplant surgery. FUE (Follicular unit extraction) is a cutting-edge technique that allows surgeons the ability to remove hairs in a single unit. The surgery is painless and almost painless because the donor area is anesthetized.
Turkey provides hair transplants to Syrian refugees.
Turkish hair transplant clinics are in high demand and demand is growing at a rapid pace. Therefore, clinics are popping up like rabbits in Istanbul. According to the director of Clinic Expert, Turkey’s biggest hair transplant clinic, the competition has prompted some clinics to reduce costs by hiring inexperienced staff.
These clinics are notorious for offering poor quality hair transplant procedures. However, they do profit from the increasing number of Syrian refugees who are seeking hair transplants in Turkey. Many of these clinics employ Syrian refugees who will put up with substandard treatment in order to support their families. Many clinics will also pay for private hotel and airport transfers. This is a great way to cut costs, but it has its disadvantages.